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Gulf Cobla New Office 2011 Deira Bay Maldives
HomeDredging and land reclamationMarine charterSurvey services


Auxiliary vessels
1908 Multicat “Lazzag Bay” 1,000 Hp Towage/ lifting/ ancillary purposes
Tug boat "Shark Bay"  12.4 Tons BP Towage/ ancillary purposes 
 Landing craft "Grouper Bay" 1,000 HP  Offshore transport
Split hoper barge “Kappa Bay” 350 m3 Offshore dumping/ ancillary purposes
Barges  Various Offshore transport/ storage of equipment
Launches / work boats 190/380/500 Hp Towage/ ancillary purposes
Lifthooks 12 Ton Towage/ lifting/ ancillary purposes
Crane barge 35 Ton Lifting/ ancillary purposes